Today is #GivingTuesday and we are wrapping up our “Why I Give” member series with John Mazur. After 40 years in the television business, John says he has a love of art, advertising and marketing which attracted him to experience and support The Neon Museum.

Mazurs TNM BoneyardQ & A with John Mazur, The Neon Museum Volunteer

Q: When/how did you get involved with The Neon Museum?

A: One year ago my Aladdin Membership started on my birthday on October 12th. I got involved at the suggestion of my wife’s colleague, who works in the media industry with us. Previously, I had three successful years as a volunteer at the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM), in Phoenix.

Q: What attracted you to the museum?

A: I love art, advertising and marketing, after 40 years in the television business with NBC, FOX, and PBS, managing sales in the San Diego, Los Angeles and Phoenix metro-areas. 

Q: Why do give to The Neon Museum? What motivates you to stay involved?

A: Helping my new Las Vegas community and seeing hundreds of thousands of people – both locals and visitors – enjoying the beauty of neon and argon. 

Q: Do you have an anecdote about the museum you would like to share?

A: My main roles are assisting Doreen Alvarado, Membership Manager, in annual membership renewals and assisting events staff in the one-hour Sweetheart Weddings. A few months ago I volunteered at a wedding of approximately 50 Hawaiians in Vegas. The 80+ year-old Hawaiian grandmother brought more than 50 handmade-wedding ribbons that she made for all to wear at the ceremony. I just LOVED that cultural tradition “Grandma” shared with her family as a way to celebrate the new couple! 

Q:  In your opinion, what is the most important work that The Neon Museum does?

A:    Raising funds to refurbish the amazing neon signs that are the true symbol of Las Vegas. 

Q: What do you hope the organization will achieve over the next ten years?

A: An increased presence of students touring the museum to better understand the history of Las Vegas. 

Q: Who do you think would enjoy a visit to The Neon Museum?

A: Students and adults with an appreciation for art. 

Q: What’s your favorite sign and why?

A: The dancing dry cleaning shirt (Steiner Cleaners sign) is my very fave! 

 Learn more about The Neon Museum’s outreach to schools and the Steiner Cleaners sign.




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